Bienvenidos al Rincón de la Pluma

Queridos lectores:
Bienvenidos al rincón de la pluma, en el que yo (Julio San Román) colgaré mis historias y fantasías de vez en cuando.
Espero que disfrutéis de mis escritos.

sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

I´ve always wanted to practise extreme ironing.

Do you think ironing is a way of torturing yourself? Are you tired of the long hours you expend near the ironing board? It´s true that ironing may seem the worst of the punishments of the hell but that only depends on your imagination and the place where you do it.
This crazy wish appeared inside of me one day, when I was in the bus in the way to school. Suddenly I noticed that my shirt was creased and that it needed to be ironed. The only problem was that I didn´t have any method of ironing it in the bus. Nobody can imagine how much I thought about this issue until I reached a conclusion: why I couldn´t iron my shirt in the bus?
While surfing in the Net I discovered a new strange sport called “Extreme Ironing”, which consisted in ironing your clothes in strange places. I saw pictures of people ironing while they were climbing the Great Canyon or while they were riding their bicycles, even while they were doing parachute jump!
I was so fascinated that I wished I could do that kind of things too. In fact, I tried to go out with the ironing board with the idea of taking some pictures of myself ironing in the street or in a strange place, but my mum forbade me to do it. I tried to explain her that I wanted to do it because it would be funny, but my mum thought it was stupid rather than funny. 
So until now I haven´t tried extreme ironing, but at the moment I can afford my own iron I will travel to the most unexpected places for taking photos of myself ironing.

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